Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Learning To Laugh It off...

You know that time old question..."wow, haha that SUCKS! Does stuff like that actually happen to people?" How many times have we asked this to our buddies about some ridiculous story in between our laughs? I'll tell you how many times we've all asked this question. ALOT! And you know what...I'll do you one better, I'll even answer the quesion for you! Yes. Yes they do happen. And they happen to ME! I stayed home sick today and for some reason I started thinking of all the things that have happend to me that I could have easily sold to a 17 magizine for the embarassing moments page that people like to look at to feel better about falling on their face in Spanish class that day. Well I thought I would go ahead and take a moment to say your welcome. Your welcome for taking one for the team and being "that girl" that everyone can look at and say...well. At least THAT didn't happen to me! Your also welcome for being the same very girl who doesn't start crying, at least in front of you, and making it all awkward. Who even lets you make fun of her for days to come and laughs along with you. Cause if theres one thing I've learned through countless times of saying the wrong thing, landing on your face with the whole football team running behind you on the track, and completly flashing people with your that you basically have two options. Laugh, or cry. I'm sure the day will come when I finally do the one thing that no amount of laughter will fix, but until that day...I chose to laugh. So feel free to laugh with me!

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