Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let It Rain

The sound of rain. A simple noise that seems to sound different to each person. Some people shy away from rain. The sounds it makes against their rooves, the chill it gives them as it runs down their faces, or the puddles it makes in their front yards. Just because its not the sunshine they're use to, they run inside and lock the door to rain. Then there are those who in place of shutting their blinds to rain, take off their shoes and go charging through every puddle they can find! They embrace each drop that glides down their cheeks, and when it stops, they ring out their hair and go wash the smell away looking forward to the flowers they can now anticipate. Life is alot like this. Sometimes it rains. Its up to us however to decied if we want to take off our shoes and play, or stay inside trying to drowned out a sound that's only natural. Last night I tried to drowned out that sound, and all I can say is you can only turn your music up so loud. It took me till about half way through writing this to decied I want to make a splash in a puddle, cause tomorrow, or maybe even next week, I know theres gonna be beautiful flowers.

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