Thursday, March 8, 2012


Stop. One of the first words that we as humans except and apply to our lives as early as we start using the beloved words such as mama, Dada. So why is that a word that has been apart of our lives since we were crawling across the floor, is a word that we as a society still cannot fully grasp and execute correctly? This world is proving at an alarming rate that limitations are not something that are to be accepted. Why should we stop? Why should we stop making our portions larger at all our favorite fast food joints? I'm not getting bigger, my pants are just shrinking! Why should we stop upping the price for gasoline? I like to pump gold into my car once a week! Why should we stop putting songs on the radio that our elementary students are listening to at such an impressionable age? "So what we get drunk, so what we smoke weed, we're just havin fun, we don't care who See's" Johnny what on earth are you singing?! Don't worry mom! its on the top 10 list!" So what it's no longer uncommon to see a pregnant teenager in the hallways, keep making those movies about how much fun sex is!! They're funny!

This world knows no limitations. If one is set, we take it to court and sue it for everything it has. We. Need. To. Stop.

Stop thinking we are superior creatures that have no one to answer to.
Stop believing that happiness can be found at the bottom of a bottle.
Stop enabling children to begin making the same mistakes as adults, just at a younger age.
Stop thinking there is no way back.
Stop asking yourself, "why me" and start asking, "where's best to go from here."
Stop looking out for yourself so much, and look at for someone else.
Stop frowning, your life is as beautiful as you want it to be.
Stop just existing in a world that lives without consequence, and start living a life with a greater purpose.

1 comment:

  1. you have such a way with words! i got chills reading this. i'm so inspired by you sara cross!
