Wednesday, February 23, 2011

laying a foundation today, to build on tomorrow

trials...there the memories that wake you up in the middle of the night, the fresh tears running down your cheeks, the parts of our lives that we end up denying to our self just because we can. We spend our days running from these unavoidable moments of weakness in our lives. How many times do we allow ourselves to take these crashing moments and let them beat us. How many times do we think to ourselves that this is simply too much, that there hasbeen some sort of mistake; there's no way this was suppose to happen to you. How many times do we think that this might be the end of what we know. That this for sure will be one of those moments that change us, take apart our hearts and put them back together in a different order. I never liked the kind of people who pretended like they had it all together, or that they understood everything that your going through, so I'm not going to be that girl. I'm not going to say that I have it all together, because I don't. Not even close. And I'm not going to say that I've had a ruff life. I look at the children in the hospital diagnosed with cancer, and don't have any real memories outside their hospital room, or the mother who lost her child, get up and face every day with a careful smile praying for a better day tomorrow. I've yet to experience much, and there's so much I don't know. But what I do know is that we are all part of something that is so much bigger than we can truly comprehend. There's not a tear that's shed with out our God knowing, and wishing he could tell you how great he thinks you are. So many times we forget to remember that these trials are for. There not meant to tare us down. We're meant to take these moments and learn from them. Let us take our weakness's and make them our strengths. Let us remember we're not in this alone. And most of all let us remember to have faith in ourselves, He has asked nothing of us we can not with stand. I thank God for the trials he's given me, and the people he's sent to help me get through them, but most importantly I thank him for the lesson's that I know he prepared for me to learn through each one. I'm laying a foundation today to build on tomorrow.

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