Sunday, February 20, 2011

ok so i am so excited that i now have a blog!! Firsty because I know nothing about computers and I actually figured out how to make one! And sencondly because i was just thinking to myself..."hey self, if i had a blog right now, i would have lots to say" and this is what i have to say today....

So today I am unfortunaltely feeling USED! Which is ironic cause i was just talking the other day about how much I admire my mother in so many ways, minus the fact she let's people walk all over her...but here I am...THE FREAKIN DOOR MAT! I wine all the time about how "he's" using me and I'm so done with it, but as soon as "he" talks to me I completely forget my resolve! Or about how whenever I'm talking to "her" the conversation doesn't drift from "her" life, but as soon as the conversation starts dying, I ask another random question about her life! WHY WHY WHY do I chase the things I want to run away from?! I'm so sick of myself! alright. This is it. I love doing things for other people and seeing them happy, but at some point i need to do something for myself. Today I'm going to make myself happy. So here's to making it official...

Dear World,

This day of February 20Th, 2011 I would like to cordially announce to all you fine people that i have picked myself up, dusted off your foot prints, and put myself INSIDE the house! Sara Cross is no longer a door mat! So if you would like to talk to me...knock, and if you brought me something pretty...I'll think about letting you in :)

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