Monday, February 21, 2011

OuT $iDe

Today has been such a gorgeous day!! I love the outside :) It's so ironic. When people think of the "great outdoors" they think about how simple it all seems, how peaceful it is. That's when the irony comes to play. Cause when you really take a closer look to God's amazing creation you realize the complexity of it all. Each ant that devours your melted Popsicle, each bird that sings as it passes, and each cloud that shields your eyes from the sun is so complex. They all have their own design and purpose, and if we were missing one of these elements we would be thrown off balance. I think I like it so much cause that's how life kinda works in general. Each small thing, each person, each smile you share is part of something much bigger. Sometimes its the quiet girl you pass on the way to math class, or the nervous looking boy who made your subway sandwich that we can learn the most from. Each person has something special to offer, something beautiful. Things are always more than they seem. It's just our job to find the beauty beneath it all.

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