Monday, December 5, 2011

Wishful Thinking...

I stayed home sick today from school. Mom's off at work, and so is dad. Its just me and my pooche here. Most of the time i really enjoy some alone time, today however I am left to way too much thought. So instead of driving myself crazy with a loopy-de-loop thought process that could be viewed as comical...or dangerous..haha I decieded to get out the Christmas decorations. Well unfortunatley this didn't help. Mainly due to the fact that I have realized that I do not pocess that girly characteristic of being able to decorate. I suck at it. So I gave up on that and sat on the floor frustrated surrounded by Christmas decorations. In my frustration I decieded to think about something I was good at! Present giving!! My mind kicked into over drive thinking of what I wanted to get people for Christmas! I started making a list in my head of the people i just HAD to get the perfect present for. Then I started brainstorming all the things I knew these amazing people deserved and how I wanted so bad to be the one to give it to them. It was a lot of fun! Until I realized something...I'm a hostess at a tiny restuarnt...who makes minimum wage. Wouldn't it be nice if I could be rich just for one holiday, just for a tiny bit. Oh me and my horrible decorating skills, lack of money, and wishful thinking.

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