Sunday, December 4, 2011

And Now I Welcome You To....Limbo

You know what I have realized? How much of this life we spend waiting. Waiting for "him"...Waiting to drop those few pounds...Waiting in line at the grocery store...Waiting for a call....Waiting to hear back from a job...Waiting....Waiting..WAITING!!!! Luckly we normally find ourselves in the posistion of concentrating on waiting for one thing in particular. However...every now and then we find ourseleves at a point where we are waiting for EVERYTHING! This is a little place I like to call Limbo. I feel a bit like Nemo when I'm here. Like I'm in a fish bowl watching people come in and out of the doctor's office, occasionally pressing their faces up against the glass leaving smuges. I can't really move anywhere until I decied to break out! Then after I make this decision...I still have to wait for the perfect time to do it! Well here I am...welcome to Limbo. I have been accepted into the college I want to go to...I have sent our a few letters to some beloved missionary's of mine....and I have done (well at least I think I have) what I can for the people I love around me. I should probably consider putting up some decorations, possibly planting a few flowers, cause I think I'm going to be stuck in Limbo for quite some time.

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