Thursday, October 27, 2011

Isn't it Ironic...

I find life to be one huge ironic moment. How many times do we find ourselves rumaging through the frige because we have to make cookies for some odd reason we normally woulnd't have, eggs. Even though just two days ago we had a whole carton. Or you purposely go to bed early a night so you can get up early to have a good hair day to you can suprise the kids at school (cause by this point they're all pretty use to you looking like a hobo) and this is the one morning your waiting and prepared for that dreaded alarm to go off....oops, alarm. Or what seems to be taking over MY life at the current moment, when all you want is to not have plans for the day, and your day is filled to the point your basically saying "hey father time, this whole 24 hour day thing....yea, its not going to work out so much for me today. How does 28 sound?"  And then I have those days where you literally cannot think of a reason to leave the house. Why is it whenever I find myself sitting at home thinking..."hey wouldn't it be nice to have an excuse to get dressed...or uh...bathe..." and the only thing I want is to get out of the stinking house! But whenever I have TOO many things to do...all I want is a day where I have nothing to do. For some reason my life often takes the pattern of coming in huge waves all at once, or I'm lucky if the wind creates a little movement. Maybe this is just me being picky with what I want....or maybe life is as ironic as I think it is.

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