Sunday, October 23, 2011

Can I Be Like Ya'll?! only....not really.... :)

My sister has always been someone that I sercetly looked up to. Not that I would ever tell her that, we're the kind of sisters that when we compliment eachother it goes something like this....

" don't look so fat today....and uh..your hair...did you brush it???!

 this is normally followed by a swift kick in the pants and a goofy lookin smile. And to be honest with you, I LOVE IT! I absolutley love our weird relationship and she's my best friend. She knows more about me than I do. I love that she has know earthly idea how much she has to offer this world. She has this crazy way of being able to love someone or something with her full heart, it makes her so passionate...which occasionall (or not so occasionally) makes her slightly (or not so slightly) emotional. But it's only because she honestly cares that much, and she wants to express it. She can't ever do something just half way. It's always been me and Bri. Two Pea's in a weird little pod. And then she met him. She found Levi. That lucky dog! At BYU-I she managed to find herself some goofy little guy who would turn her inside out. Levi, in all seriousness I wanted to thank you. Thank you for what you've done to my sister. You've made her such a better person. I know that I may not know you ALL that well yet, but I know that you are the kind of man who does what he knows is right. You put the Lord first, and for that he has blessed you with the ability to change lives. Cause that's what you do Levi. You've changed my sister's life. I've notice that you do things only if they really matter, and that is so refreshing. You served your country cause you knew that it would matter. You served your Heavenly Father for two years cause you knew it would matter. You found my sister and worked to have this amazing relationship with her because you knew it would matter. And you've helped me with so many aspects of my life, and it really did matter. Thank you guys, for being so much of an example to me. Individually, together, examples of what I want, and uh.....yea.... ;) haha I love you two so much and I'm so happy for ya'll. It was no acciedent that you two crazy kids met, and no accident that you were given the challenges you were given, because you've come out stronger and better people. I love you two.

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