Friday, March 1, 2013

Super Mom

Before I made my way up to college my head was filled with do's and don'ts from everyone and their mothers. (Quite literally I mean "everyone" and "their mothers") People my age filled my imagination with ideas of late night parties, eating noodles for every meal, and a constant stream of boys that would absolutely be all mine. Then their mothers filled my noggin with a consistent encouraging prompts to remember who I am and enjoy myself, but to make sure I'm eating my vegetables and remembering that I am there for SCHOOL too. Well let me tell all you who have yet to make your way out of the house  what it is ACTUALLY about. It's all about you. It is all about what you want to make of it, and more importantly what you want to get out of it. You are truly forced to begin to figure yourself out and what you sincerely want out of this life that you are living. Now, while what each individual discovers will be different, don't get me wrong. There will be a couple late night parties, (followed by an even later night of procrastinated studying) some nights of noodle eating, a few boys (not what you expect...calm down) and hopefully some vegetables. Here are a few of the things that I have discovered in my few months of experience: 
  • I love my family more than I understood.
  • Everyone has specific talents to offer the world which contributes to our society in some way.
  • What I want most, out of absolutely everything in this whole world, is to be a wife and mother that my mom would be proud of. I want my kids to want to hang out with me and hopefully love me as much as I already love them. 
  • I NEED a clean home! I had know idea that I liked things so clean! Who knew?!
  • I will have a priesthood holder for a husband who honors his duties to the Lord, and to me.
  • You can live off of canned chicken, eggs, and dried fruit. NOM! 
  • Music can get you through a long night a little bit easier.
  • No matter where you go or what people say, there are going to be individuals who use you. And if you let them, they will use you until there is nothing left to use. Don't let them.
  • A best friend to cry with you every now and then is something we all need.
  • There is absolutely nothing you cannot turn to the Lord for. 
  • Cleaning the kitchen is always more fun with a best friend and a tiny dance party.
  • Alone time can be very very necessary. 
  • Snow is horrible. 
  • Always take the time to have a random trip to California. 
  • Valentines day is meant for best friends.
  • Windex can clean everything. 
  • I don't really like dogs all that much. 
  • cupcakes are good. 
  • Give credit where credit is due. To yourself, to those around you, to the Lord. 
  • I am so very loved. 
  • I grew up with a super mom. 
  • I want to be a super mom too. 


  1. Yay, I love this post! Pictures and updates and details about your life for all the stalking I please :) love you Sara cross!

  2. hahaha i love you most Rindsey!! I miss you!!!
