Monday, November 21, 2011

I've never really been that good at Tug-a-War

Have you ever felt like you were in the middle of a tug-a-war game. Only you don't get the privilege of picking a instead you get to be the rope. Well I am currently playing that game. And unfortunately, I am the rope. In so many aspects of my life I am being drug in two separate directions. More than anything I want to be there for both sides that are tugging on me, but there is only so much I can do. I cannot, despite fervent efforts on my part, please everyone. I'm completely lost right now. How can I help you, and YOU at the same time? Is it even possible? When do I have to start doing something for myself, and how do I even do that when all "myself" wants is for you to be happy. And YOU to be happy. Going through times like these makes me respect my father in heaven so much. How many times does he have to watch us struggle and know that he can only help us as much as we want to be helped. At this point I'm just praying that I will find the right way to handle my life right now. In the mean while, I'm so sorry....I've just never been that good at Tug-a-War.

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