Sunday, July 17, 2011

you know what...i know :)

don't you love those times when you've got it figured out. you just know. you know who you are. where you stand. and what you want. i love that! but what i find ironic about that is, well at least for me, these moments seem to come in my greatest times of confusion! now I'm sure you're saying...uh, i think you are confused.. well you know what, i think that's the secret! its when we are so confused in our lives, when things are happening that we don't fully understand what on earth is going on, that survival instincts kick in. being the humans we are, we feel the need to have control. to understand SOMETHING! anything! so whenever something i don't understand feels like its taking over my life, i tend to rely on things i can figure out. things that i absolutely KNOW. its in these moments that i realize i know whats truly going on. maybe not all of it...but i do have the basics down.
i KNOW that i AM a daughter of god. and i deserve to be treated as such.
i KNOW that everything happens for a reason. He does not make mistakes, sometimes we make them out of what He gives us though.
i KNOW that there is always a way out.
i KNOW that i love my family, and they are worth the effort.
i KNOW that i have chosen my best friends wisely and that i love them more than they know.
i KNOW that my savior died for me, and wants me to return to Him.
and lastly, i KNOW that it'll all be worth it. not easy...but worth it.

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