Wednesday, July 27, 2011

wouldn't that be nice...

hey, wouldn't it be great if life were like a computer? now i know absolutely nothing about computers and how they work, but i am aware however that they were made idiot proof for people like me! i am just filled with joy every time I'm typing something up and that beautiful thing of auto correct happens, or whatever the heck its called. I'm just going along my business and mid mistake..WHAM! the computer fixes it for me! i love it! or if it doesn't know how to fix it right away it makes that squiggly line under it and then gives me all these great suggestions on how to fix it! but maybe the best part about these gorgeous things is that even if i can correct all my mistakes, sometimes i just wont like the sentence, so i aim my next finger at the delete button! what a wonderful idea! it leaves absolutely no trace of the sentence that i wanted out of my story! sometimes i wish that someone would swoop in and auto correct my mistakes, or tell me when I'm messing up, and then give me options to fix it, and sometimes i would really love to be able to delete parts out of my story, have no trace of them! that way at the end of it all, all there is to read would be my best work. but i guess life isn't like that. but....wouldn't that be nice :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

words can not describe

how can you describe the taste of water? how can you explain the sound of rain? the touch of sand? the color of yellow? the feeling of love? how is it that there are so many things, feelings, and moments in this world that words cannot describe? yet the use of that very phrase...."words cannot describe" can explain so much.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

you know what...i know :)

don't you love those times when you've got it figured out. you just know. you know who you are. where you stand. and what you want. i love that! but what i find ironic about that is, well at least for me, these moments seem to come in my greatest times of confusion! now I'm sure you're saying...uh, i think you are confused.. well you know what, i think that's the secret! its when we are so confused in our lives, when things are happening that we don't fully understand what on earth is going on, that survival instincts kick in. being the humans we are, we feel the need to have control. to understand SOMETHING! anything! so whenever something i don't understand feels like its taking over my life, i tend to rely on things i can figure out. things that i absolutely KNOW. its in these moments that i realize i know whats truly going on. maybe not all of it...but i do have the basics down.
i KNOW that i AM a daughter of god. and i deserve to be treated as such.
i KNOW that everything happens for a reason. He does not make mistakes, sometimes we make them out of what He gives us though.
i KNOW that there is always a way out.
i KNOW that i love my family, and they are worth the effort.
i KNOW that i have chosen my best friends wisely and that i love them more than they know.
i KNOW that my savior died for me, and wants me to return to Him.
and lastly, i KNOW that it'll all be worth it. not easy...but worth it.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

somtimes..... have to totally forget about the calories your taking in have to remember, your not the only one
sometimes.....we need to forgive even when they're not asking to be forgiven
sometimes.....the world just kinda stops moving, and we need to enjoy that
sometimes.....the only thing that could possibly make anything better is a cheesy song, and tears
sometimes.....a smile reaches past a person's eyes, and hits their heart
sometimes.....we feel chub, so we spend an hour on our hair so people are looking at that instead
sometimes.....i like to sing to myself in the shower
sometimes.....there will be someone that COMPLETELY takes over your mind'll feel like you cant get up for another day
sometimes.....the biggest problem in your life will be filling up the tank
sometimes.....the only problem you DON'T have is filling up the tank'll wish you could you could outrun the world
and then sometimes.....we wish that we had more of a promise than a sometimes, we want an always. so then we'll have to sometimes remind ourselves to look back and remember who, and what is ALWAYS there.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


waiting...waiting..............waiting even LONGER......................................gave up waiting.......started waiting again......gave it up again haha...............and then. SUPRISE! have nooo idea how i feel about anything...SUPRISE AGAIN!

goodness...good thing god made chocolate

p.s. be looking out, thats going to be the title of the book i will some day write ;)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

let it fill your soul

there are so many things that we've been blessed with. i cannot even begin to list them. every person has hand picked and beautiful talents. we pass them every day and for the most part will never be able to know what amazing things the people we pass by posses. the man who bags your grocery's, the mother wrestling her three kids in the car, the grandfather in the hospital bed, or the child who stands against the wall at recess can do. but at the same time, we will have to opportunity to witness some of these people and their gifts, and let others witness our own gifts. we cannot let these moments, gifts and miracles pass us by without notice. please seek these. seek out your own, let them help make you who He wants you to be. it was no accident that you were blessed with these gifts, and it was no accident that you were given the chance to experiences others and their gifts. they come in so many forms. a good friend who knows exactly what to say, and how to listen, the virtue of patients, beauty with in, being capable of recognizing true beauty, music, the gift of words, and so many others. see these things and know that they were given to you to use and marvel in. let them fill your soul.