Tuesday, May 31, 2011

you lift me up

I have the best friends a girl could want. I wont even say ask for, because I wouldn't have even thought to ask for such amazing people in my life. I'm ridiculously blessed! You know those days where you feel totally alone? Or like there's absolutley nothing in your life thats working the way you wanted it? And sometimes your just avoiding every mirror you cross because you just feel like a cow and don't really want to look at yourself at the moment? Well I would be a liar if I told you I didn't have days like this. However I would also be considered a liar if I didn't told you that I felt like this for long, because it seems like every time I start feeling like any of these things one of the angles I get to call my best friends will call...or text....or take a spontaneous beach trip with me....or picnic with me with all the good intintions of working out after ;)....or delet that number for me....or make me laugh till I cry.....or dance like an idiot with me, perferably at whatab at a random time in the morning. With all these things that these friends do for me, I would be considered selfish to not be as happy as I am! Lindsey Robinson, your the better half of me, you are my twin of life, I don't want to picture my life with out you and I love you! Kristen Dunn, it doesn't matter what is happening in my life, all I need to do is hang out with you one day and I will be sore in the stomach the next day from laughter, and I love you! Lauren Dunn, there is absolutely no one like you, you make me think in different ways, and I love you! Brooke Hurley, I owe so much to you. The person I am today, my best friends, countless unforgetable moments, thank you, and I love you! Cydni Gardner, you are simply what the doctor ordered, your alwasy exactly what I need and when I need it! and I love you! There are so many others who I am so blessed to have in my life, but these people can bring tears to my eyes. And oh...by the way, your my best friends....and I think I forgot to tell you....I love you.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Improve The Shining Moment

Time flies on wings of lighting; we cannot call it back.
It come, the passes forward along its on ward track
And if we are not mindful the chance will fade away
For life is quick in passing.
Tis as a single day.

Our bodies, minds, families, friends, this beautiful earth. All these divine gifts we are given remind me of Christmas. And life is like the day after Christmas. Or the week. Then the month. Eventually it becomes the years. I'm sure we all do the same thing on Christmas morning. Rush down stairs to meet the glorious sight of Christmas morning. The presents shinning and wrapped under the decorated tree, and the glowing lights that surround it. As soon as we unwrap these gifts we've so anxiously been awaiting we are over joyed! We hug our gifts close to our chest and then proceed to pose in some ridiculous way for a family member pointing a camera at your face to capture the moment and embarass you later. The day after we receive this gift, its still something that can put a twinkle in our eye and love to tell people about every chance we get. The week after, your still trying to imagine what the heck you were doing before you got this! Months later, you find a place to put this gift because you don't really feel the need to carry it around anymore. Now years have passed sense you had that joyous moment of opening it, and you begin to forget how excited you were about it. Now you cant even remember where you put it, and are asking for the next best thing this Christmas. This is a common trait that we as a human race posses. Today in sacrament i felt like i should read our opening hymn, Improve the Shining Moments. Improve the shining moments; don't let them pass you by.
We need to improve this shining moment of life. Because that's all it is. A moment. A moment our loving God gave us as a gift. We need to remember, go back to that day we unwrapped it, time to take that embarrassing picture out of the trash and look back at how excited we were to use this gift to the best of its ability. Lets use our gifts of family, love, the Gospel, and share them. Let us place these gifts in a place of honor and never forget them. Because these are the gifts from our God, who "will love and bless you, and help to you impart."

Improve the Shining Moments, don't let them pass you by.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


(P.S. these aren't in order)
1. write a book
2. Join Peace Corps
3. have at least 3 kiddo's
4. get married
5. help convert someone
6. finish the Book of Mormon
7. pet a lion
8. make a pizza in Italy
9. have someone quote me (preferably in a book, but Lindsey counts ;)
10. get into BYU-I
11. hike a mountain
12. catch a fish
13. donate a Christmas to a family in need
14. sing in public
15. ride a subway in New York...and live to tell the tale
16. see Greece
17. see Rome
18. see Scotland
19. ride a horse on a beach
20. scuba dive
21. motivational speak somewhere
22. tell John Bytheway he's my hero
23. meet a prophet
24. play hide and seek in the rain
25. ride a two person bike
26. ride on a motorcycle
27. surf
28. pick up an old couple's check at a restaurant
29. go to a fashion show
30. go to a Broadway show
31. be Bell for Halloween
32. learn how to do a hand stand
33. take a picture under the Ifle Tower doing a hand stand
34. get called on stage at a concert
35. be happy
36. name my children one of the following, Creed, Caron, Preslie, Paige
37. have a happily ever after
38. successfully match make someone
39. send my parents on a romantic get away for a big anniversary