Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ay Papi

Over the years he has accumulated many names.
Ay Papi
Parental Unit
Cookie Monster
He was the first man I ever loved, and the man that will love me the longest. He use to be the tickle tackle monster I would run around and laugh with, and now is the man I sit down and discuss my life goals with, knowing that if there is one person in this world who will be honest with me and always help me along the way, its him. He taught me to appreciate good 80's music, and to never turn on his Longhorns. He showed me the importance of the Gospel and what it can bring to my life, and the importance of keeping a balance in life. His voice will always be in the back of my head with all his many catch phrases, words of advice, and his sweet laughter that gets the whole family laughing, despite his joke (or attempted joke). I love you more than I can tell you dad. Thank you for everything.