Monday, February 27, 2012

"Even Make A Pizza Pie!"

" Your hands can do so many many things...Your hands can brush your teeth or comb your hair, THROW a ball into the air, WAVE hello or wave goodbye, EVEN make a pizza pie!"
I have been blessed with so much. I think often times I forget how greatful I need to be about the amazing ability I have to not just have hands, but working hands that provide me with so much! Brushing my teeth, combing my hair, throwing balls into the air, waving, hitting my little sister, petting a doggie, but what might just be one of the best and most important things these beautiful hands of mine can do.....make a pizza pie. What a mouth watering, jaw dropping, and all around happy experience it is to indulge in some pizza pie! You can dress it up and make it fancy, tone it down and make it simple, drench it in meat and grease and make it life threatening, thin the crust and make it healthy, but most importantly you can make it the best part of your day! I am a proud consumer of the pizza pie! Yes, it makes my pants fit a little tighter than I may always like, but it also makes my smile wider. Sometimes you just have to treat yourself to the things in life that without fail put a smile on your face.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have learned something about this life I am living. It is so Beautiful. A mist all the chaos that we call the world, there is something Beautiful waiting to be found. I believe that we have a God with a sense of humor. He enjoys a good laugh just as much as we do, which makes me believe that He likes to put Beautiful things and Beautiful situations right in the middle of things that can come across  unattractive. Its all a matter of choice to take a little time to try and find the Beauty. Have you ever looked closely enough at the pretty little reflection your gas light makes off the glass?Or are we too busy being upset that we have to fill it up again? I've noticed that when my little sister gets angry with me, her eyebrows get pushed together reminding me of how cute she was when she was little, but how often do I notice that when I'm trying to think of something mean to say back? All of you who have the disgusting privilege of getting up before the sun, when was the last time you tried a little harder not to be cursing your alarm clock for going off and deiced to notice what a wonderful and beautiful sky we have right before the sun makes its way into our day. Anytime you have a bad dream, have you ever noticed what a Beautiful feeling it is to wake up in a world much better than the one behind your closed eye's? Saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do, but every time you are put in the situation to say goodbye, that means you were first given the Beautiful privilege to say hello. Isn't it just Beautiful.